Academic Skills Human Geography and Spatial Planning

Different source types

[collapse title= “Journal articles”]
General structure:

Author, A.B., Author, C.D., & Author, E.F. (year). Title of the article. Title of the journal, volume(issue), pp-pp. DOI:xx.xxxxxxxxxx


State the DOI if you can find it.


Delanty, G. (1997). Models of citizenship: Defining European identity and citizenship. Citizenship Studies, 1(3), 285-303. [/collapse]

[collapse title= “Books”]

[well] General structure

Author, G.H. (year). Title: Sub-title City: Publisher. [/well]


Hennink, M., Hutter, I., & Bailey, A. (2011). Qualitative research methods. London: Sage.

[panel type=”info” heading= “Edited Book”]


Isin, E.F. & Turner, B.S. (Eds.) (2002). Handbook of citizenship studies. London: Sage. [/panel]

[panel type=”info” heading= “Later edition”]


Bryman, A. (2008). Social research methods (third edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [/panel]

[panel type=”info” heading= “Chapter in a book”]

[well] General structure

Author, I.J. & Author, K.L.M. (year). Title of the chapter: Sub-title of the chapter. In: N. Editor & O. Editor (Eds.), Title of the book or collection](pp-pp). City: Publisher. [/well]



Laïdi, Z. (1988). Introduction: What use is the Soviet Union? In Z. Laïdi (ed.), The Third World and the Soviet Union (pp. 1-23). London: Zed Books. [/panel]


[collapse title= “Reports”]

General structure:
Author (year). Title of the report: Sub-title of the report (number, if available). City: Publisher. [/well]


[panel type= “info” heading= “If the author/authors are known”]


Cloin, M. (2011). Nederland in een dag: tijdsbesteding in Nederland vergeleken met die in vijftien andere Europese landen. The Hague: Netherlands Institute for Social Research.[/well] [/panel]

[panel type= “info” heading= “If no authors are known”]

[well] Example

Netherlands Institute for Social Research (2007). Het bereik van het verleden. The Hague: Netherlands Institute for Social Research.[/well] [/panel]

For both of these versions you can include the URL as the place where you found the citation or information.

[well] Example

Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment/Housing, Communities and Integration (VROM/WWI) (2009). Leefbaarheid door de tijd (VROM report 9036). Retrieved from the government website: [/well][/collapse]

[collapse title= “Newspaper articles”]
If the author is known, you list the newspaper article in accordance with the guidelines for a journal article. As extra information you should also include the day of publication and, if known, the supplement in which the article appeared. Note: in the text you only state the year; in the bibliography you also state the day and month of publication.

[well] Example
Bloemberg, H. (2012, 25 May). Als burgers bepalen we de toekomst van Europa. Trouw, p. 23. [/well]


If no author is known, the title comes where the author’s name normally would. You use the first word to alphabetise. If you have used the online version of a newspaper as a source, you should state the URL of the newspaper.

[well] Example

Noord-Europa kaatst de bal terug naar Italië (2013, 9 October) Retrieved from [/well] [/collapse]

[collapse title= “Dissertation/thesis”]

[well] General structure

Author, R.S. (year). Title and sub-title (type of publication and name of the university/university of applied sciences). City: Publisher. [/well]


In principle you reference a dissertation as you would a book, but then you also need to mention that it is a dissertation.

[well] Examples

Gorp, B. van (2003). Bezienswaardig? Historisch-geografisch erfgoed in toeristische beeldvorming (Dissertation, Utrecht University). Delft: Eburon.

Wijnen, M.P.G. (2013). Bedrijventerreinen beter bereikbaar (Master’s Thesis, Utrecht University). Retrieved from [/well]


[collapse title= “Website/digital sources”]

[well] General structure

Author, T. (year, day, month). Title of report/article [description of the type of report/article]. Retrieved from Al3xxei (2007, 2 April 2007).[/well]


[well] Example

An introduction to Human Geography (final revision) [Video file]. Retrieved from [/well]


For the date of publication, you state the date on which the report/article was posted online. If you cannot find a date, you state (n.d.). You should then at least state the date on which you consulted the source.[/collapse]